Sunday, December 9, 2007

The first Ninjatune forum Photo Comp coming soon!


I'm looking to start a photo assignment very soon. It will be a photo 'competition' using a ninjatune forum members original piece of music as inspiration. The pictures can be abstract or literal representations of the music and will be used in a slideshow put to that music available for viewing online or downloading. I will also (if people are happy with it) up a zip file of the original pictures. If anyone is interested in joining in, and really the more the merrier, please let me know! I can also link up your flickr/photobox/whatever pages in the 'Photo albums' section on the left as well.

If anyone has any ideas for this or follwing assignments, or comments about improving the blog/suggestions about anything to do with the Ninja Amateur photography club, please let me know!




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