Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December/January Photo Competition rules and mp3!

So it seems my earlier post was a bit too soon, as Waxfactor has supplied us with an MP3 already! It's called 'twixt night and day' and it's a dark, dark piece of music! So The competition can start in earnest, due to particularly poor timing on my part it's the busy Christmas season so I'm going to give everyone a little more time than I mentioned before. Not only do I have Christmas and New Year coming up, but one of my friends decided to get married on the 5th of January so I'll be pretty busy for the next three weeekends in a row... having said that you don't wanna hear my problems and I'm sure I'll get some quality time with my camera so I'm posting the final date for entries as JANUARY 10th 2008, as I mentioned before we should use Waxfactor's graciously donated tune as inspiration for shooting and we can be as literal or as abstract as we like, there are no winners and losers so feel free to be as creative as possible... use photo shop loads or son't use it at all, it's no problem, all I ask is this:

  • Let me know via The flickr group/blog/ Ninjatune if you wish to enter just so I have an idea of numbers.
  • Take some nice pictures that you're proud of Preferably whilst listening to 'The Piece of Music Supplied'
  • Email me your 2 favourite jpegs indicating which is your favourite ( if I don't receive enough applicants I think we'll have the chance to show off 2 of our pics)
  • Get them to me by January 10th at the latest and I'll make a gallery over the following weekend. My email is: sevenape (at) gmail.com
so let's get crackalacking! Here's a link to waxfactor's track:

Twixt night and day

Thanks and good luck!


Just a quick post to apologise for the late start of the comp (guess it is one, although there are no winners... or maybe everyone is a winner?) I'm just waiting on a track from Waxfactor and then we'll be up and running, if it helps I'll give a little more information right now:

The competition will be held over 2 weeks including 2 weekends, I will up an mp3 of the track we will be shooting to and then it's all go. There are no real rules apart from that, after the deadline I'll stick all the pics together into a nice slideshow to the music which will probably end up a bit like the gallery off hart beat but will hopefully be quite nice. After that I guess we can all up our pics to the flikr group and bitch about what we liked and didn't like.

There are no themes or anything to speak of you can take a potrait, street shot, landscape, still life or whatever, just see what the music leads you to shoot. When the comp gets started properly I'll give you contact details and you can send in your pics!



Sunday, December 9, 2007

The first Ninjatune forum Photo Comp coming soon!


I'm looking to start a photo assignment very soon. It will be a photo 'competition' using a ninjatune forum members original piece of music as inspiration. The pictures can be abstract or literal representations of the music and will be used in a slideshow put to that music available for viewing online or downloading. I will also (if people are happy with it) up a zip file of the original pictures. If anyone is interested in joining in, and really the more the merrier, please let me know! I can also link up your flickr/photobox/whatever pages in the 'Photo albums' section on the left as well.

If anyone has any ideas for this or follwing assignments, or comments about improving the blog/suggestions about anything to do with the Ninja Amateur photography club, please let me know!

